
Archive for January, 2016

According to WordPress I have not written in 10 months. 10 months!?!? How can that be. But alas, WordPress is correct. This working parent thing is a bit laborious. You know, the usual work, cook, take care of toddler, husband, and everything else. No need for details. Ha! The time seems to go by so fast these days. Even more the reason why I cannot seem to find the time to write.

Last time I wrote, I revealed that I was going to run a relay marathon… the Sehgahunda Trail Relay Marathon to be exact. And a relay marathon I ran. I was able to run the 6 miles in an hour, which was super for me! It was my first trail race and I was super happy with my result. The rest of my team did fantastic as well. In fact, the team placed 9 out of 17. So proud!

I spent the entire rest of the summer cycling and running. We also camped 3 times around the Adirondacks and visited Boulder again, so we did a lot of hiking during those trips. It was definitely a fun packed summer. I even did a little mountain biking while in Boulder.

Then fall and winter came. It has been a pretty warm fall/winter so far, so running and yoga have been my primary routine.

I decided to race in another trail race in early December, in the #TrailsRoc 0 Degrees WTF Festival. It was super fun! The race was 5.4 miles through Powder Mills Park and it was not 0 degrees… I was wearing shorts. Ha! I managed to finish that one in under an hour as well, which was great!

During the holidays, we visited my sister in DC and we ran twice during the trip. The weather was super warm so it was nice.

The highlight of the trip was running on the monument mall… a 6.3 mile loop among the monuments. It was super fun! We started the run around 7:30 am, so we were pretty much the only people there. Even nicer!

I was really hoping to do a bunch of cross country skiing this winter, but the temperatures keep fluctuating and there is not much snow at all… it is actually kind of nonexistent. The humongo east coast storm completely missed us, so that was that. I guess that it is only the end of January, so you never know. :)

In the coming year, I am hoping to do a few more trail run races. I have not settled on any ones in particular quite yet. Unfortunately, the Sehgahunda race sold out already so I will not be able to run that race again this year. I was pretty bummed when I found out. That was such a fun run!

I am also planning on riding a bunch. Last year I rode pretty much every Wednesday night, so I am hoping to do the same this year.

I have also been cooking a bunch, of course! I am hoping to share a few of my delicious finds soon.



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